Bromsgrove Methodist Church Centre


Toddler Group


Toddler Group

Toddler Group runs every Tuesday morning during term time from 10.00 to 11.30 am.

Telephone Bromsgrove Methodist Church 01527 835843.

We are a lively and fun group run by experienced volunteers for parents, and grandparents with their children from young babies to 3 year olds.

We offer a dedicated baby soft play area, and for the older children we have craft, exploratory, physical, constructive and small world activities around
a 4 week rotation of themes – Senses, Activity, Home and Outdoor.

We finish each session with a singing time.

There is a small fee of £1.50p per child from 6mth of age.

The church runs a coffee shop, we provide a picnic area for parents and children to enjoy drinks and snacks.

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